Europe Photo Book


Project Details

Number of Images: 350

Number of Pages: 38 (19 spreads)

Type of book: Fabric

Book Size: 10” W x 10” H

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Spending time editing photos and designing a book filled with our European adventures was undoubtedly a summertime highlight. While I'm delighted to share the completed project, I'm a bit sad that these photos won't be a part of my morning work routine. Perhaps I'll just flip through our book with a cup of coffee every morning. :)

Instead of creating three separate books for France, Denmark, and Iceland, I opted for one large volume with our memories organized in chronological order. Also, similar to our iPhone book, I selected a fabric cover with faint embossing that reads "Europe 2018."

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The Adventure

Starting with Paris, our book features mainly people pictures. With three cell phones and one DSLR, I sifted through quite a few photos before making the final cut. The before and after images for our Paris travels live within these posts:

// Editing Our Under (and Over) Exposed Photos from Paris

// The Vibrant French Open Colors

// Disney World (Florida) vs. Disneyland Paris

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After Paris, David and I continued our travels to Denmark. The before and after photos from our Copenhagen adventures live within these posts:

// Arriving in Copenhagen

// A Sneak Peek of our Tivoli Gardens Adventure

// Touring Copenhagen

// Five Reasons to Visit Tivoli Gardens + Photo Edits

We loved Copenhagen, can you tell?

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The last part of our book features photos from our final trip days exploring Iceland. The before and after pictures from touring Reykjavík are here:

// The Best Iceland Tour Company and the Edits from our Day Trip

// Editing Puffin Pictures and Our Last Day in Iceland

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Thank you for tagging along as I traveled down memory lane and archived photos from one of the greatest trips to date. If you have pictures from your summer travels, let's turn them into a book so you can flip through them every morning with a cup of coffee, too.
