Aggie Ring Photo Book


Project Details

Number of Images: 26

Number of Pages: 20 (10 spreads)

Type of book: Hardcover

Book Size: 8” x 8”

Football season aside, April in Aggieland is the happiest time of year. Why, you ask? Three words: Aggie Ring Day! Sometime around the second week of April, thousands of students gather at the Clayton Alumni Center and collect their coveted piece of Aggie gold. Out of all of the TAMU traditions, and there are many, Aggie Ring Day is my favorite.


The Adventure

Usually I pick an image for the cover of a book, but this time I selected the exact shade of Aggie Maroon. Did you know you can find the A&M brand standards with a quick google search? I appreciate exact color correctness.

Aggie Ring Day-6.jpg
Aggie Ring Day-13.jpg
Aggie Ring Day-29.jpg
Aggie Ring Day-12.jpg
Aggie Ring Day-14.jpg

He won't admit it, but my Dad is an excellent photographer and editor, so the images for our photo books didn't need much help before printing. So today, instead of a typical "part one" post, I'm cutting straight to the chase with book photos. :)

This is getting our rings EIGHT years ago. We haven’t aged a day. Do you see the swarms of people in the background? Everyone is Aggie Ring turnt.

Aggie Ring Day-33.jpg

A power picture with all of the family and friend Aggie Rings present! We haven’t taken them off since.

Aggie Ring Day-18.jpg

We returned to the Alumni center after Ring Day for a few pictures without the crowds. What a difference!

Aggie Ring Day-22.jpg

I'll be the first to confess I'm a biased alumna, but I challenge you to find a more generous network of former students. The Aggie Family sticks together. Period. I landed my first job because of the Aggie Network and return the favor whenever possible. When I decided to leave Neiman Marcus in December, my Aggie family not only provided endless encouragement, connections, and advice but they were among the first to start photo book projects. Where else do you find that sort of camaraderie? I wouldn't be where I am today without the Aggie network. Wearing my ring is truly a gift.

If you just received your ring, and would like a book, please fill out the get started form and we will go from there! As always, thanks for stopping by!
